Advantages of the ‘Thermacell Building System’ over other similar products.
We have a range of four different sized blocks in the redesigned Thermacell range. These blocks are all 300mm in height and are referred to as the 300 Series. The 125mm block is mainly used for interior walls, whereas the 150mm block is used as an interior wall that locks across the exterior 200mm wall. The 150mm has been successful for this purpose and the design of the internal flow of the concrete has surprised even us by its strength. The insulation properties of these blocks are also excellent, with engineers calculating that they have a very high R-Value rating.
The 200mm block is the finest ICF in Australia. That claim is borne out by the fact that the 200mm block has met with huge success, and is by far our best seller. Here at Thermacell, we have totally redesigned and strengthened the new 250mm block, which now has the same keyways as both the 200mm and the 150mm blocks. As the 150mm, 200mm and 250mm blocks all lock across each other, this system eliminates the need for bracing of walls, prior to pumping them full of concrete.
The key advantages of the Thermacell ICF system come from over 25 years experience in the industry:
- Our blocks have additional height: 300mm.
- Our blocks have greater quality of fusion and strength.
- Our blocks are more stable and need less bracing.
- Our blocks have tighter keyways, and allow for greater concrete flow for extra strength.
- Our blocks do not require the additional costs of metal or plastic spacers, bridges or inserts.
- Our blocks can be pumped from 2.5 to 3 meters without ‘blow-outs’ or any type of wall failure.
- Our blocks do not need high-cost bracing on both sides of walls.
The Thermacell system is an exceptionally strong system, with fantastic insulation properties. Our blocks have been cyclone rated, and have been used for new houses, high wind areas, load bearing walls, multi-storey buildings and factories, to name a few. Thermacell homes are especially energy-efficient, and when built with double-glazed windows and good ceiling insulation, five-star energy ratings are easily achieved. Our system needs little or no bracing, no additional inserts are needed, and our blocks can be filled without the fear of ‘blow outs’.
The Thermacell system can also be fireproofed successfully, and as such councils in high fire risk areas have accepted it as a suitable building system. We delver Australia-wide, and charge only to recover fuel costs, representing savings of hundreds of dollars in comparison to transport company prices. We also spend time with our product on site, so that we can demonstrate the system upon delivery. The cost-effectiveness of Thermacell quickly becomes evident; when taking into account the total cost of building your project, from start to finish, we are confident the cost of Thermacell will be considerably less than other similar products.