Our Customers choose us for the quality of our product and our personal service. We believe that we make the finest ICF systems in Australia, and our system stands alone for speed of build, accuracy and quality.
The simplicity of our system makes it attractive to owner-builders who have little building experience, as well as professional builders who choose our system because it is so quick and easy to use.

“We first discovered Thermacell at the Melbourne Home Show in 1999 and were impressed by the apparent ease of construction and the thermal qualities of Thermacell,” he says. “Geoff Bennett (owner of Thermacell) generously allowed us to inspect his home, which was built using Thermacell. We were amazed at how cool his house was in the middle of summer — and the soundproofing qualities impressed us as well. We decided to experiment and built a 12m2 shed out of Thermacell. We had no previous building experience and we found the product really easy to work with.
Owner-builder - Steve Ryan

"A lot of people don’t like to think outside the square, they’re a little bit scared I think, set in their building practices, whereas, especially with the utility costs in this day and age, they keep rising, and you’ve got to look at avenues to save on power usage, heating and cooling - and you can’t go wrong using this product".
Michael Pratt Building Pty Ltd