Thermacell is smart ICF technology, engineered using special formulas of polystyrene to form strong fire-retardant polystyrene formwork, that can then be used to cast concrete wall and floor structures. The blocks are dry-stacked without mortar, and have keyways top and bottom which push together like Lego blocks. The hollow blocks are then filled with concrete.
This type of wall form delivers advanced strength, thermal and acoustic properties, and far exceeds any other type of building system used in homes, high-rise, commercial, industrial and even some military applications. Furthermore, Thermacell homes are virtually maintenance free.
NOTE: Concrete cores shown in the pictures below.
To demonstrate the strength of the concrete core of our various block sizes, we stripped away the foam blockwork to show the concrete core.
In actual practice, the polystyrene blockwork is never stripped away as, the polystyrene blockwork encases the concrete core insulating it from heat and cold exchanges, and thereby preventing expansion and contraction in the walls. That’s why expansion joints are not required in Thermacell walls.
NOTE ..the deep sideways flow of concrete in height. This is what gives Thermacell walls their great sideways strength, which is necessary for long stretches of wall, and for retaining walls and swimming pools.
This is why the Thermacell system is the best mainstream ICF choice - far superior to any other ICF on the Australian market today