Mobile: 0408-568-994"A lot of people don’t like to think outside the square, they’re a little bit scared I think, set in their building practices, whereas, especially with the utility costs in this day & age, they keep rising, and you have look at avenues to save on power usage, and heating & cooling and you can’t go wrong using this product."

Mobile: 0405 158658"I started building with ICF’s in 2003. The Thermacell ICF has proved to be easy, fast and cost effective to build with. The light weight blocks require no on site assembly with the block keyways fitting together as easy as ‘lego blocks’. Over the past seven years I have built numerous homes either designed for ICF’s or amended from brick veneer. When combined with double glazing, hydronic in-slab heating and passive solar design the homes provide outstanding comfortable living. In 2005 I built a passive and active solar designed home for a client in Conder, ACT. The home was constructed using Thermacell 200 blocks and double glazed windows. The heating system is hydronic in-slab via a gas boiler. The clients 2009 winter quarter gas bill was $160, this also included backup gas for the solar hot water and the gas cook top. I believe the ICF system is the way to build a high energy efficient home. Thermacell provides this cost effectively to my clients who all say they would now not live in any other homes.View More