Thermacell supplies lintel blocks to suit the 150mm and 200mm blocks.
These lintel blocks are 150mm deep and when fixed under the 9th course of the blocks the height of the floor would be 2250mm. If no lintel block were used under the 8th course then the window height would be 2100mm from the floor (which is generally the standard window height). The new 300 series blocks have a deepened flow of concrete across the bottom of the block making it useful to use as a lintel block. The use or non-use of the lintel block enables a better variety of window heights to be obtained such as 2100mm or 2250mm or 2400mm.Before filling with concrete, steel reinforcing must be suspended in the middle of the lintel block and extend 500mm on either side of the window opening.
The lintel block should be supported by a piece of timber and timber props should be used to the carry the weight of the concrete until it sets.